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Security Center Overview

This article focuses on the overview page located in Polaris' Security Center. The overview page is designed such that you are able to get a good insight on the security status of your site at one glance, and easily navigate to its respective configuration page from it. To access it:

Setting Tab

Under Sites, click on Security Center

The default page of Overview should load up, this is the overview page. The page is split into 2 sections, Site Statistics, and Quick Settings.

Site Statistics

The site statistics table gives an overview of how the site is doing and displays if there are any unresolved incidents.

Site Statistics


  • Total number of incidents
  • Number of open and in triage incidents out of total incidents categorized by severity
  • Statistics about traffic and requests displayed in 2 columns - Today & This Month
  • A 'Notice' or 'Attention Needed' warning is shown when there are incidents that are Open or in Triage. Refer to the annotations in the image above for more information.

Threat Intelligence

The figures display the number of:

  • Total Detected Threats
  • Suspicious IPs
  • Compromised Data
  • Phishing Sites

Similar to Incidents, Polaris will also display a Notice or Attention Needed alert when Polaris picks up information from its threat intelligence feeds and functions.

A Notice alert is displayed when Polaris detects suspicious IP addresses.

An Attention Needed alert is displayed when Polaris finds compromised data belonging to your site and/or potential phishing sites similar to your domain.

Quick Settings

This menu allows you to turn on/off some security features of Polaris. There are 3 of them:

  1. Behavior Learning Mode
  • (To find out more about this mode, refer to this article)
  1. Under Attack Mode
  • Turning on this mode displays a Javascript challenge for users visiting the site:

Show Verify Visitors must pass simple challenge(s) before accessing the site.

Polaris will display a hCaptcha challenge that requires users to solve before accessing the site, this can help keep out bots and spam because these questions are easy for humans and difficult for machines. To find out more about hCaptcha and what it does, visit their site.

  1. Edge Caching
  • Turning on Edge Caching will let Polaris cache static content on your site so users can access static content faster.

Static content is not dynamically generated and appears the same for every visitor to your site, therefore it can be stored at an edge server to reduce loading time. These edge servers usually exist at the 'edge' of a network, this keeps content close to the client thus reducing latency in accessing these contents. The benefits of doing this are reducing the bandwidth of your origin servers and reducing page loading speed for the visitor.

Other settings

You may also view information about other settings here:

Show Verify

You can click on these settings to redirect you to it's configuration page directly.

WAF Active Rules

The blue texts below can be clicked to link you to an article explaining more about the security feature.

Access Control

Site Records