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N-Day & New Attack Vectors

This article describes and explains the N-Day & Attack Vector rules in Polaris, these features are turned on by default and can be found in the settings of Polaris.

To access the Rules tab:

Setting Tab

Under SITES, select your domain and click on Settings.

Rules Tab

Click on the Rules tab.

N-Day: : These are rules crafted to protect against vulnerabilities from the National Vulnerability Database's CVE List. Clicking on Advanced Settings will reveal a description of the specific rule.

Should you require more information about the rule: Head to the CVE List search database and enter the CVE-ID, the CVE-ID are the numbers after "POL-", as shown in the image below :

N-Day Rule

The CVE-ID are the numbers in the green rectangle. Search for that in the CVE Database to find out more information about it.

New Attack Vector: Additional rules written by the Polaris technical team to protect your site against more vulnerabilities. Click on Advanced Settings to find out more information about it.

Both N-Day and New Attack Vector rules are turned on by default and can be individually turned off by toggling the on/off switch.