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XSS and X-XSS protection - what's the difference?

Polaris offers multiple forms of protection against XSS (Cross-Site Scripting). One of them is using OWASP Rules and another is the use of security headers in the browser (X-XSS-Protection).

For XSS in OWASP, Polaris detects if a user is trying to inject XSS into the website, detecting when an attacker or controlled victim sends a request to the origin. Polaris will block it and trigger an incident alert on Security Event.

For X-XSS in Security Headers, browsers check for reflected XSS right before displaying the page.

In Polaris, there are 3 options for X-XSS Protection:

  1. Off
  2. Sanitize Script: Sets X-XSS-Protection: 1, this will filter XSS out, the browser will sanitize the unsafe (XSS) parts.
  3. Block Script: Sets X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode = block. If an XSS attack is detected, the browser will prevent the rendering of the page.

Apart from XSS (OWASP Rules) and X-XSS-Protection (Security Headers), Polaris can also help guard against XSS attacks using a Content Security Policy.

To find out more about X-XSS-Protection, refer to the Mozilla Development Documentation.